Affiliates/Member Websites
Designer Needs
InBetween Stitches
Bay Quilts
Dublin Sewing Center
Marcia's Quilting Services
The Granary Quilt Shop
Kit Thompson
Kitty Ani Kreative Longarm & Quilting Services
Quilts by Ma
New Pieces Quilt Shop
​Twice Nice Shoppe
The San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
Other Guilds
The Modern Quilt Guild http://www.themodernquiltguild.com/
Silicon Valley Modern Quilt Guild http://SiliconValleyMQG.com/
Amador Valley Quilters of Pleasanton http://amadorvalleyquilters.org/
Contemporary Quilters and Fiber Artists http://www.cqfa.org/
Diablo Valley Quilters http://www.diablovalleyquilters.org/
East Bay Heritage Quilters http://www.ebhq.org/
San Francisco Quilters' Guild http://www.sfqg.org/
Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association http://www.scvqa.org/
Other Links
Alameda County Arts Commission https://Arts.acgov.org
The Alliance for American Quilts http://www.centerforthequilt.org
American Quilter's Society http://www.aqsquilt.com/
International Quilt Association http://www.quilts.com
The Lost Quilt Come Home Page http://www.lostquilt.com
A not-for-profit webpage dedicated to providing place to display and quilts and to supplying information on how to protect the quilts we currently own.
National Quilting Association http://www.nqaquilts.org/
An organization established to create, stimulate, maintain and record an interest in all matters pertaining to the making, collecting, and preserving of quilts, and to establish and promote educational and philanthropic endeavors through quilts.
​Quilt Art http://www.quiltart.com/
An Internet Mailing List for Quilters
The Quilt Channel http://www.quiltchannel.com/
Your jumpstation to all the quilting goodies the web has to offer.
Quilter Hall of Fame http://quilterhalloffame.com/
A non-profit organization dedicated to honoring
those who have made outstanding contributions to the world of quilting.
Quilt National http://www.quiltnational.com/
An International Exhibition of Innovative Quilts
Quiltaholics http://www.quiltaholics.com/
Quilting at about.com http://quilting.about.com
Quilter's information, patterns, quilt history.
Quilt Guilds and Shows Worldwide http://www.quiltguilds.com/
Links to quilt Guilds and Shows around the United States and the world.